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平成26年「切手趣味週間」 狩野永叔筆《梅桜小禽図屏風/菊ニ鶴図屏風》 | Showyou
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平成26年「切手趣味週間」 狩野永叔筆《梅桜小禽図屏風/菊ニ鶴図屏風》 | Showyou


@ 梅桜小禽図屏風(ばいおうしょうきんずびょうぶ)(表面、左隻第五扇、第四扇(部分))
Plum and Cherry Blossoms with Small Birds (on the front side and from the fourth and fifth panels from the right of the left-hand screen)


This is a gorgeous pair of screens with flowers and birds of spring and autumn painted on either side in thick colors. The front side painting depicts plum, cherry and other spring flowering plants with various small birds, and the back side features red-crowned cranes and white-naped cranes in a dried paddy field after harvest with chrysanthemums. Both paintings are rendered carefully in detail and are quite decorative.


A  菊ニ鶴図屏風(きくにつるずびょうぶ)(裏側、左隻第五扇、第四扇(部分))
Chrysanthemums and Cranes (on the back side and from the fourth and fifth panels from the right of the left-hand screen))


This is a gorgeous pair of screens with flowers and birds of spring and autumn painted on either side in thick colors. The front side painting depicts plum, cherry and other spring flowering plants with various small birds, and the back side features red-crowned cranes and white-naped cranes in a dried paddy field after harvest with chrysanthemums. Both paintings are rendered carefully in detail and are quite decorative.

○版式刷色: グラビア6色・メタリックマルチイメージ
○切手デザイナー: 玉木明

Printing Technic: 6c Photogravure, Metallic Multi Image
Designer: Akira TAMAKI

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No.5 - 2014
Philately Week 2014
(2014.04.18 issued)
inserted by FC2 system