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@ 姫路城   左:姫路城天守閣  右:高橋正身筆「姫路城図」


1. Himeji-jo Castle   Left: Himeji Castle Tower  Right: View of Himeji-jo Castle by Masami TAKAHASHI

<History of Himeji-jo Castle>
Spanning the small Himeyama and Sagiyama mountains, the grand Himeji-jo Castle is graceful and elegant; it is otherwise called "The white heron castle", because of its birdlike resemblance. In the course of its construction the castle served many feudal lords.
The castle originates from the closing years of the Kamakura Period (1185-1333) when Norimura Akamatsu, a powerful clan of the Village of Harima in western Japan, built a fortress on Mt. Himeyama. His second son, Sadanori Akamatsu, fortified the fortress into a castle. In the Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1568-1600), Hideyoshi Hashiba captured the castle and used it as a fort when he invaded his opponents in the western region. He scaled the castle site to control Mt. Sagiyama where he built a three-storied donjon, and renamed Himeyama-jo Castle as Himeji-jo Castle, as it is now known. In 1609, Terumasa Ikeda, an influential feudal lord and a son-in-law of Ieyasu Tokugawa, the head of the Tokugawa feudal government, scrapped all the castle buildings and rebuilt an imposing seven-storied donjon, taking eight years for construction.
In Japan, the early 17th century were prime years for castle construction and saw the building of numerous castles by feudal lords throughout the country, including Himeji-jo Castle as one of the largest. Fortunately the castle escaped the ravages of civil war and the World War II air raids. Of the extant medieval castles in Japan, Himeji-jo Castle retains more vestiges of its original construction than any other castle.

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A 法隆寺   左:法隆寺・金堂壁画  右:法隆寺・金堂


2. Horyu-ji Temple   Left: Horyu-ji Kondo Wall Paintings  Right: Horyu-ji Kondo

<Eternal time ticks away at this historic site in Ikaruga-no-sato.>
Horyu-ji Temple was built by Emperor Suiko and Prince Shotoku in AD 607 in the old village of Ikaruga. According to the Nihon-shoki (oldest history book written in Japan), this temple's buildings were completely burned in AD 670. The present temple buildings of Horyuji are assumed to have been built at the end of the 7th century. In the temple gounds, covering about 190,000 m2, the buildings are divided into two sections. The first is the Sai-in garan (buildings in the west precinct), which include the Kondo (main temple building, also called the "Golden Hall") and the Goju-no-to (five-story pagoda), which is the world's oldest wooden structure. The second section is the Toh-in garan (buildings in the east precinct) including the Yumedono. The influence of Silk Road culture can be seen in these structure, statues, carvings, and paintings. A distinctive feature of Horyu-ji Temple is its many relics of the Asuka and Hakuho periods (AD 552-710) that are older by a decade or more than those kept in the Shoso-in (Todaiji temple's storage building for sacred objects), considered the terminus of the Silk Road. Thus, not only is Horyu-ji Temple one of Japan's national treasures, it is also part of the common cultural heritage created in the ancient East Asian zone of advanced culture.
Many old temples are connected with Prince Shotoku. Among these are (a) Chugu-ji Temple that was built to ensure eternal bliss after the death of Prince Shotoku's mother, the Empress Hashihito; (b) Hoki-ji Temple that has the oldest three-story pagoda in Japan; and (c) Horin-ji Temple. All of these are located in Ikaruga-no-sato, and have maintained their traditions and conveyed to today's generations the emanations of the old Asuka period.

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Related Sites
Horyu-ji11s3200.jpg - Wikipedia
Horyuji Official English website
Horyu-ji - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
・Nara Travel: Horyuji Temple

Nara, Horyuji Temple, the oldest wooden architecture in the world. YUME or dreams Gallery
Horyu-ji | Nara | Japan travel | Japan web magazine
Horyuji Temple The Tale of Genji
Buddhist art of Horyu-ji Temple - NARA | IS JAPAN COOL?

旅紀行ジャパン 奈良・古寺巡礼(和田フォト) 音量注意!! volume!!

法隆寺 - Wikipedia
奈良 法隆寺・飛鳥時代の姿を現在に伝える世界最古の木造建築 夢:dreamsギャラリー
JR東海 うまし うるわし 奈良 みうらじゅんの斑鳩仏像探訪記 第一章法隆寺

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Related Sites
Himeji Travel: Himeji Castle
Japan National Tourism Organization | Find a Location | Hyogo | Himeji Castle
Himeji Castle, Himeji, Japan Asian Historical Architecture
Himeji Tourist Information "Hime no Michi" Himeji Convention & Visitors Bureau Web Site
Himeji Castle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Himeji Castle with 400-year history, registered in the World Heritage of UNESCO YUME or dreams Gallery

C 白神山地   左:ブナ原生林 右:クマゲラ


4. Shirakami-sanchi Heights   Left: A virgin forest of Japanese beech  Right: Black Woodpecker

<Vast Virgin Forests of Japanese Beech with Traces of Ancient Days>
The Shirakami-sanchi Heights cover a vast area of about 130,000 hectares, and encompass a range of mountains (1,000 to 2,000 meters) including Mt. Shirakami and Mt. Koma, extending from southwestern Aomori Prefecture to northwestern Akita Prefecture. Of these, the area registered as the World Heritage site covers about 17,000 hectares, including the highest mountain Mt. Mukai Shirakami (1,243 m). This region has long defied human access with its steep, maze-like topography with interlaced deep valleys, and its beech forest, which is claimed to be among the world's largest, remains intact just as it was in ancient days. A recent survey identified the forest as dating back some 8,000 years. This region thus provides a valuable glimpse of the history of vegetation.
The Shirakami-sanchi Heights are named after the white river waters in early spring when the snow begins to melt, or after the figure of an legendary old man with snow white hair, who lived on the mountain as a guard. Once, the beech forest on the Heights faced environmental destruction when commercial vendors undertook regional development, but the forest was fortunately saved from catastrophe by local environment conservation campaigns, which eventually led the forest to be designated as a "Natural Environment Conservation Area" for the protection of valuable natural assets; indeed, the forests are something that Japan can be proud of worldwide.

B 屋久島   左:縄文杉  右:ヤクシカ


3. Yaku-shima Island   Left: Jomon Cedar  Right: Yaku Deer

<Unique Climate Fosters Luxuriant Vegetation>
Yaku-shima Island, about 60km south of the southern tip of Kyusyu Island, is a tiny island with a circumference of 130 km. The island is called "the Alps on the Sea" or "the Mountain Mass on the Sea" because the island is home to seven of the highest mountains in Kyusyu, including Mt. Miyanoura (1,935 m above sea level). As the writer Fumiko Hayashi put it, "It rains 35 days a month on the island"-the island has the highest annual precipitation in Japan. The plentiful rainfall has produced fertile soil and many streams across the island, enhancing the scenic splendor.
With a large difference in elevation of nearly 2,000 meters from the base to the peak of Mt. Miyanoura and plentiful rainfall, the island packs in its tiny area a wide range of climates, from subfrigid to subtropical zones where a wide range of indigenous vegetation grows.
Of these, the virgin forests of Yaku cedar which are more than 1,000 years old are rare on the planet. Soil covered with juicy green moss, huge cedar roots crawling along the mossy ground, old fallen trees including broadleaved trees-these features characterize the unique Yaku cedar forests.
The 15,000 year-old virgin cedar forest became a sanctuary beyond the reach of humans after the island was geologically severed from mainland Kyusyu.

姫路城 - Wikipedia
姫路城(兵庫)−日本の世界遺産 - MAPPLE 観光ガイド
姫路観光コンベンションビューロー ひめのみち:姫路城の達人
世界遺産の姫路城・白鷺場が400年の時を刻む 夢:dreamsギャラリー
姫路城写真ライブラリー - 国内最大級の写真ストック
姫路城 とんぺいの機械博物館
世界遺産 国宝 姫路城 桜と紅葉 天守(75枚) 2010 高画質 写真(画像)
世界遺産 国宝姫路城 雪化粧 高画質 写真(画像)
姫路城の桜(和田フォト) 音量注意!! volume!!
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Related Sites
Shirakami-Sanchi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shirakami-Sanchi | World Heritage | Japan-i English
JAL Guide to Japan - Shirakami-Sanchi ( World Heritage )
Shirakami Sanchi  Internet Nature Information System
The World's Best Photos of shirakamisanchi - Flickr Hive Mind

白神山地(青森・秋田)−日本の世界遺産 - MAPPLE 観光ガイド
世界遺産白神山地 - 青森県庁ホームページ
世界遺産白神山地ってどんなとこ? 東北自然ネット
白神山地 インターネット自然研究所
日本の世界自然遺産:白神山地写真集 環境省
白神山地の写真・画像・旅行記 - MAPPLE 観光ガイド
2009年7月青森一人旅D「世界遺産白神山地。暗門の滝、くろくまの滝」:murenekoさんの旅行ブログ by 旅行のクチコミサイト フォートラベル
白神山地 - Wikipedia
白神山地 hatabear 時速20キロの旅

Related Sites
Yakushima - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yakushima Island | World Heritage Site Japan Visitor
JAL Guide to Japan - Yakushima ( World Heritage )
Yakushima islands
Yakushima A Visitor's Guide
Yakushima Island.pdf Japan National Tourist Organization
Princess Mononoke Forest, Japan Photo-Post Shibuya246

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屋久島ナビ - 世界自然遺産・屋久島への旅のガイドブックなら屋久島ナビ。トレッキング情報など、屋久島の遊び方満載。 山と渓谷社 |
屋久島 - Wikipedia
屋久島の森へ(和田フォト) 音量注意!! volume!!

No.5 - 2007
The World Heritage Series Postage Stamps

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